Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

errr I don't know how to start writing this because I don't know what interesting facts about my own self. but I'll try...
1. I'm friendly :p
2. Selalu pengen tau dan nyoba hal-hal baru haha
3. Actually I'm really shy but I can't stop talking to someone I know
4. Aku selalu berusaha buat orang lain seneng dengan caraku tentunya
5. Seneng liat orang seneng :D
6. Gampang terharu hiks hiks
7. I always try to be the best and try to be better than before
8. I love reading berbagai macam buku hehe (sedikit sih)
9. Susah memulai pembicaraan ._.
10. pintar :P (mbojok poooool)
11-15. anu -_-

yakkk mungkin itu semua bukan interesting facts. tapi...yasudahlah~ #EdisiBondanPrakoso

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